
You can make a difference

you can inspire others by giving your support and helping your community get the best health care possible


PLATINUM (100,000$+)

GOLD (20,000$ +)

SILVER (< 20,000$)

On this September 11, 2021 the Moosonee Volunteer Firefighters Association completed a memorial stair climb equivalent to 110 stories to raise funds for Weeneebayko Foundation and to honour the first responders who lost their lives attempting to rescue victims of the attacks on the World Trade Center.

During their fundraising campaign, they were able to raise $8026 for WAHA to purchase high-priority medical equipment for our hospital.

Our Foundation CEO, Lynne Innes, would like to thank them for their donation. We truly appreciate your commitment to our community and all the great work that you do. With the help of your donation, we will be able to better the healthcare in our region.

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